Friday, July 18, 2008

i'm so confused!

now that i am coming out of my blog coma and reading blogs from so many different places, i feel like i'm blogging for the first time again. i feel like peggy sue lost in the big city. there are so many things out there that i have no clue about. i relied on the alerts and standard layouts of modblog and then efx, so i never bothered to learn about anything else. so far, i've learned to tinker with the blogger layout, i have figured out what widgets are, even added some to my blog (as you can see over there to the right).i have mastered the rss feeds and have them all set up in my google reader. i'm loving it.

well then what am i so confused about, you ask? well, dear reader, i'm lost when it comes to the multitude of links to profiles that i see people putting up. i know what is, but that is about the end of it. i signed up for it more for my own personal use to keep bookmarks and have access to them anywhere, but i see people linking to their accounts and a myriad of others. do i need them all? do i link to them all? do i even WANT them all? and what about my youtube account and those sorts of things. why do people link to them? and what on earth is twitter for?

so i ask you, fellow bloggers... what do you use? what do you recommend? talk to me! teach me!

oh, btw, links to my facebook and myspace coming soon! are you ready to see the face of spacey stacey? heaven help us!


  1. I have no idea what is, so I can't help you there!

    What I'm doing to keep up with everyone is using the alert thing from blogger and skipping to efx and facebook at times as well. My faves are all over the place, but to me it's worth it go to check them out.

    I think that Blog Catalog is pretty cool. So far, I've not done much with it, but it does give me an opportunity to see what the people I have linked there are doing.

    It's kind of sad having us all over, but I figure we were a pretty tightly knit group and those that "want" to keep in touch will do so. I know some are not happy that not all of us went to Vox, but that's the way it goes. I just like the way my blog works over here much better.

    Teach you? LOL Oh man, this would be the blind leading the blind. I'm entirely clueless about tech stuff! Buzz over to The Big P, Led, or Mr. E's blogs. All of them are pretty dang good at this stuff. : )

  2. Well, personally I use Google Reader to keep up with everyone, so it doesn't matter which service you use as long as their blog has RSS or Atom feeds.
    As for other ways of keeping in touch, I tend to use a handful of different ways for varying reasons.
    Photobucket or Flikr for uploading photos, DeviantArt for my artwork, YouTube for uploading videos, Facebook for networking with friends and I also have an MSN and AIM accounts for chatting online.
    I also have Skype and other accounts for chatting online, but I mainly use MSN nowadays.

    There might be a few more handy things out there, but I manage quite well with that lot.

  3. I was here on Blogger. Now, I am back at my own pad using WordPress. Chica is like a Blogger pro though. She helped me/held my hand and led the way while I acted like an idiot. I would recommend her to answer the Blogger specific questions you may have. As for the feeds and what not, I have everyone in a blog roll. When I have time, I just browse down that and visit. No biggie.

    Don't get intimidated. You will figure it all out. I am just glad that you are back. :)

  4. If it is not facebook, it's Centurion Pink GLBT Blog Network, or My Perfect Pink Professional GLBT Network...everywhere I post and create blogs. I am in the twilight blogging zone.

  5. You have no idea how much I want to teach you....

  6. i'm lazy nachos on facebook, you BETTER add me :D


  7. thanks for your input, guys! (even you with your dirty mind, splintered :-D) i think i finally have it under control and even now that efx2 is back up, i am going to stay here.

  8. I just don't get any of it.

  9. Dear lord I don't know what some of the things listed here are at all. And I thought I was doing pretty well. I use blog roll as well and just scoll down to see who has updated. Is pretty simple. I have myspace and facebook. Wendy Thon on facebook..feel free to add!!

  10. Hi,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. For a newby, you are doing better than me. How did you get the drop down box from the comments? Also, I have no idea what del.i.cious is, and what is efx?



  11. hi there! thanks for stopping by too! i'm not technically a newbie, i just used to blog elsewhere, just started using blogger and learning about all the goodies out there.

    efx is where i used to blog. it died a miserable death. it had post alerts and comment alerts so i never had to learn to use feeds or anything.

    as for the drop down box for the subscriptions, it was an automatic thing when i added the subscription widget thingee (technical term :-D)
