Wednesday, July 30, 2008


since i am completely drained, i thought i'd share a meme with ya.

1. What's for breakfast? cottage cheese with fresh berries
2. Do you read a newspaper daily? nope. i have a hard enough time keeping up with the blogs i read. i watch the news every morning.
3. What do you do when you can't sleep? roam around my house usually. i'll go to the living room, watch a little tv, go to the kitchen to get something drink or a snack, go back to bed, toss and turn a little and do it all again until the sleepiness rolls in.
4. Say a word that sums up your mood. overwhelmed
5. Do you remember your dreams? sometimes.
6. Name something from your dream last night. hot lesbian sex! LOL. not really, that is just my new favorite meme question answer. i don't remember my dream last night.
7. Name a food that describes you. ok, that is quite possibly the strangest meme question i've ever seen. after a little thought i'd have to say mexian food. its delicious, a little spicy sometimes and can contain things that don't normally go together but end up making something delicious (mole, for example is made with chocolate and jalapenos, but is heavenly)
8. Today you are wearing: jeans, navy tshirt
9. What's in your pockets? nothing
10. Did you sing in the shower today? nope. i never do.
11. What's the last song you heard? my office mate and i have been listening to raggae all day, most of the songs i don't know the names of. the last one i recognized was legalize it by peter tosh.
12. Looking forward to the holidays? with the financial situation we are in right now, NO WAY.
13. Where do you want to be this instant? in her arms
14. What's for lunch? salad with diced chicken breast and ranch dressing. le yum!
15. What's something you would like to do soon? hot lesbian sex! again, my new fave answer. other than that, i'd have to say go for a pedicure.
16. Reading anything now? no time for reading lately.
17. What's for dinner? not a clue
18. A favorite part of the day is: when i wake up in the morning and see her next to me in bed. its the only quiet time we ever get. once we are up, its full speed ahead until we drop.
19. Are you happy? overall, yes. there are a few things that could use improvement (my health, finances), but overall i'm a happy woman.
20. Will your friends do this meme? dunno.


  1. I just may have to steal this meme from you!

    Seriously, you like pedicures? I would be weirded out having someone messing with my tootsies!

  2. deej: i am usually pretty picky about my feet, but for pedicures, i'm ok. they make me feel sexy, so it is a necessary evil. :-)

    enid: *wave* hi there!
