Monday, August 4, 2008

the great deception

i think i have deceived you, dear readers. i know that many people hold things back on their blogs because people in their real lives read them, and i have done the same on occasion. however, the things i hold back aren't things about me. i'm pretty much an open book offline. what i hold back is what i think of the people i think might be reading or things they have done. i have a definite talent when it comes to never letting on when i really don't like people or when they have upset me and the scenario warrants me not telling them that i don't like them/to fuck off. i do it quite a bit in my real life and i do it when i blog about certain people/scenarios as well. however, that is not what i'm referring to.

i feel like i have over-glossed myself on this blog. sure, the layout suits me. it’s pink, which is cutesy. i can definitely be cutesy sometimes. the header suits me. i actually picked each pic to represent a side of my personality. i think that my posts don't always reflect the real me, though. sure, they are my real thoughts/feelings, but i think i have a tendency to tone it down when i blog. i'm far more potty mouthed in real life (side note, i LOVE how that sounds in spanish: mal hablada). i'm also much more sarcastic and much much MUCH more sexual. after reading the responses to my recent post, i realized that the blog world doesn't know that what i said (and how i said it, for that matter) is pretty much my normal self. that got me thinking... why don't i post more like the way i behave? sure, i'm girlie and love all the domestic stuff, but there is this whole other side to me that doesn't seem be reflected here. just a quick glance at this blog (looking at it as an outsider), i'd envision a whole different person than the one that is sitting at this keyboard right now.

have any of you found that you do that and if so, why?

i'm going to make more of an effort to have this blog reflect more of the unfiltered me, so get ready. and if its too sexual, too harsh, too whatever, too fucking bad. :-)


  1. Right on! And I'll tell you what I just went to the wrong spacey stacey blog and left a comment! LOL Then I found my way here. :)

  2. i found bunches of posts that were more like the real me back in the efx2 days (before it was efx2blogs and before it died and revivied). i'm posting them. i need to get back to blogging like that.

  3. I still have yet to be 100% honest on my blog. I don't hide my flaws and I don't try and puff up my good points. I just don't share what I think 100%, in the positive or the negative.

    I've been in love.
    I've had my heart completely crushed...twice.
    I've looked into the possibility of picking up and starting life someplace far away.

    But I left a lot of that off of there for different reasons. So don't beat yourself up over it, 100% honesty often comes at a very steep price.

  4. I find that I wind up slipping into a person that I think everyone wants me to be on my blog from time to time. I have always managed to find my way back to who I am though. Those moments, the lost ones, usually are the points when my writing sucks and I hate my posts. That is usually followed by the complete redesign of my headers and graphics while I figure it all out. I always wind up back to where I started. advice to you, just be you. We all understand that there are days when you need to wander.
