Monday, August 18, 2008

hurricane season 2008: tropical storm fay

the weather isn't horrible just yet, but we are under a tropical storm warning, a flood watch and tornado warning. the newscaster just put it perfectly "a little bit of wind, a little bit of rain, but so far so good." it is predicted to deteriorate out there through the night and into tomorrow. i'm at work right now, but we are leaving early. wifey is at home getting things ready. we have a few shutters up, but not the entire house. i will probably be offline until this whole thing blows over, so be nice to each other while i'm gone. Photobucket

peace, love and hair grease, peeps!


  1. Hope those shutters keep you safe.

  2. I'll be saying a little prayer.

  3. You're in my thoughts!

    Stay safe down there! : )

  4. thanks, guys! it all turned out to be pretty much a non event. :D
