Monday, January 19, 2009

L words (and P words too)

its meme time, folks!

Here’s the instructions: How this memetic works is that you leave a comment on this post, and I’ll assign you a letter. Then you write about ten things you love that begin with your assigned letter, and post it at your place. When people comment on your list, you give them a letter, and the chain continues on and on.
(note, i didn't write the instructions, i just copied and pasted them)

my friend ben posted this meme on her blog recently. then my other friend wreckfish, having commented on ben's post did the meme as well. i, of course, couldn't pick whose post to reply to, so i did both! :-)

so, without further adieu, here are my two letters:

L words (assigned by wreckfish)

Lesbians - yes, i am one, but that is not why this is on my list. i am FASCINATED by lesbians. the labels we give ourselves, the stereotypes, etc.

Lips - specifically, the wife's lips. they have a way of hypnotizing me when she kisses me.

Lipstick - i love being girlie and wearing lipstick. and when the wife wears lipstick, i get weak in the knees.

Love - i love being in love.

Lying - in bed with my wife, that is. she is the best cuddler EVER! :-)

Lashes - i love lots of mascara when i put make up on.

Lust - 'nuff said

Looks - i love the little looks wifey and i steal when no one is looking. we say volumes with those looks.

Lube - cherry flavored, warming, tingling... its all good. ;-)

Listing memes - like this one!

P words (assigned by ben)
before listing my P words, i would like to note that i refrained from listing the first thing that came to mind that starts with this letter. i'm sure you know what it is, and if you don't, your mind isn't far enough in the gutter.

Polish - i always feel my sexiest when my nails and toes are done.

Pets - i must love them, i have a house full of them.

Primping - i love the whole process of primping and getting all dressed up. the make up, the perfume, the shoes, the clothes, the hair.

Pasta - i don't actually eat it anymore, but i used to love it. the reason for loving it now: its so easy to cook. pasta nights are my favorite cuz it means less time in the kitchen. i love cooking, but after a long day at work, quick meals are a good thing.

Passion - 10 years and the wife and i still have so much passion in our relationship its amazing.

Passionate sex - 'nuff said

Photoshop - i've been using it more and more at work and i really enjoy it.

Playfulness - one of the many qualities i love about the wife

Pow pow - that is a playful way to say "spanking" in spanish. pow pows are good stuff. ;-)

Posting memes - like this one!

your turn!

this post brought to you by the letters l and p, of course.


  1. Well done on both letters Stace.
    And for the record you have fantastic lips too!

  2. why thank you! don't mind the blushing, i do that all the time. ;-)
