Tuesday, February 24, 2009

breaking news: bullshit tolerance hits an all-time low!

i am so sick and fucking tired of people passing judgment on my life and the choices i make. i'm sick of the snide little comments and i'm sick of the narrow minded views from people who claim to be open minded. so once again, you will have to pardon me if this post doesn't make much sense. this is an open letter/rant about all the people and things that are pissing me off lately:

just because i'm not living the situation YOU find to be ideal, it doesn't mean i am suffering in any way at all. in fact, i'm happier than i've ever been in my life. and just fy-fucking-i, i find your situation to be FAR from my ideal. but i don't tell you that. i let you make your own choices and i don't judge. let me make mine.

just because wifey's kids and parents are not related to me by blood doesn't make them any less "family" to me. i married a woman with kids. together we are a family, even if i didn't give birth to them. what kind of person would i be if i didn't participate in their lives?

just because i work out of the home doesn't mean wifey sits on her butt. wifey works her ASS off all day too. do you really think that caring for both of her parents who have alzheimer's is a walk in the park? or that she sits home and eats bon bons all day like peggy fucking bundy?

working outside of the home does not entail me to come home and have to not lift a finger. what kind of person would i be if that was my attitude? this isn't some leave it to beaver shit where ward goes to work and june cooks and cleans. this is real life. we share the responsibilities.

i am not doing anything more than a hetero couple in the same scenario would do. why is it ok for you but not ok for me? why is it always "you have so much on your plate"? it should be "you GUYS have so much on your plate." all that does is show me how you don't really see my relationship as a marriage. i don't care how open minded you claim to be. i see through the bullshit and i would greatly appreciate it if you quit blowing smoke up my ass.

bottom line? if people are going to continue to make assumptions about my life and then judgments based on their own incorrect assumptions without giving me or wifey the benefit of the doubt, then fuck it. and if every time i mention something that i spent time and/or energy on i have to throw a disclaimer in there how wifey spent just as much time and/or energy doing it with me just so i can prove she isn’t' taking advantage of me, then (once again) fuck it. i don't have the energy to engage in those kinds of conversations. if that means not talking about my personal life with you, then so be it. i don't need your (unsolicited) input or approval.

oh and for those people in my real life who may stumble across this (if you still read my blog), don't go getting all upset. even if it sounds like it, the above may not refer to anything you said or did. i've been getting this shit from all sides lately.


  1. ai shame space :( i'll go beat every single one of the fuckers up for you.

  2. Um...okay. Wow. Someone really, really pissed you off, yes?

  3. I love me a good rant.

    Here's an extra fuck 'em from me!

  4. ulla: thanks, hon!

    maria: oh yeah. its been building up for awhile.

    tina: thanks!

  5. Tina stole my line! :) Yes, sometimes a rant is just what the doctor ordered - you go ahead and shout it out, girl.
