Tuesday, February 9, 2010

its been a minute...

so where have i been? i've been busy being a medical trainwreck, thats where i've been. i've been to more doctor's appointments and had more tests run that i can count anymore. i have literally started carrying around a folder with all the lab results in it and just handing it to each doctor when i go in. i had my adrenal gland removed in september and a liver biopsy in january. meanwhile, the day after thanksgiving, i felt like i'd been hit by a truck. i thought i was just tired from the day before and brushed it off. however, when i saw that it wasn't getting better a few days later, i called the doc. he took me as a walk in right away. the verdict: lupus was inactive when he diagnosed me, but is active now. time to start meds. still on them now, still feeling like holy hell. doc is considering adding a third one to the mix. this whole thing has me trying to accept the diagnosis all over again. i got diagnosed in may and i knew i wouldn't always feel like i did then (no effects to speak of other than minor annoyances), but i thought i'd have a little longer than a few months. as it turns out.... not so much. my energy level is in the crapper. at least it gives me plenty of time to crochet.

in other news, to say things with wifey have been tense lately would be an understatement. however, i think we are on our way to working it out. the bottom line is that we still love each other and i think thats enough to see us through whatever the hell this is that is going on.

for the mean time, i'm still alive and kicking, and thats something.


  1. I am grateful that you are still alive and kicking. And if I know you at all I know you won't be going anywhere without a ruckus :)

    I've seen what Lupus is capable of. It is evil. I hope they can straighten out your meds and find something that works babe. Just know I am here and thinking of you. XO

  2. I took a long time away from online as well and looked for you when I got back online and wondered where you've been.

    *hug* Hopefully, things will pick up soon. You're in my thoughts!
